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Corso di Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Meccanica

Qualche testimonianza di ex studenti



Mi sono laureato in Ingegneria Meccanica presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Energetica svolgendo una tesi numerico-sperimentale sulla misura della temperatura delle valvole di scarico su un motore bicilindrico Ducati. Durante gli anni di università sono membro del team di Formula SAE ricoprendo il ruolo di responsabile sviluppo motore nell’ultimo anno di permanenza. Dopo una breve esperienza lavorativa come progettista meccanico, inizio il Dottorato di Ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale su misure di efficienza turbina su un turbocompressore per applicazioni F1. Attualmente lavoro presso Ferrari F1 e ricopro il ruolo di Testing Engineer al banco di flussaggio turbocompressore: le mie mansioni, oltre all’attività di banco prova, comprendono l’analisi dati turbo per tutta l’attività svolta su motore, sia al banco prova che in pista.

Il percorso di laurea presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze mi ha permesso di diventare un ingegnere pronto per l’attività lavorativa, ovviamente con tante cose ancora da imparare ma con delle basi teoriche solide ed un approccio efficace al mondo del lavoro.



Laureato a Firenze nel dipartimento di Energetica con una tesi svolta in collaborazione col Centro Ricerche Fiat su simulazione CFD della fluidodinamica interna di un motore Diesel. Iniziato lo stesso anno il Dottorato di Ricerca sempre in collaborazione col CRF su analisi sperimentale e numerica dei fenomeni dinamici nei condotti di aspirazione e scarico.

Nel 1998 il passaggio a Ferrari F1 in qualità di responsabile del team “fluidodinamica motore”. Rimango in Ferrari F1 sino al 2010 ricoprendo poi nel corso degli anni diversi incarichi quali responsabile sperimentazione, affidabilità ed infine responsabile di progettazione e sviluppo Motore. Nel 2010 il passaggio a Ferrari GT per seguire lo sviluppo dei primi motori V8 turbo.Nel Giugno 2014 il ritorno in F1 come chief designer della Power unit, ruolo che ricopro anche in questo momento. 



In October 1997 I joined Eli Lilly Italia, affiliate of the Pharmaceutical multinational based in Indianapolis, IN (USA), as Project Engineering associate for the new antibiotics manufacturing project. I spent most part of my career in Engineering department taking care of large capital projects (10-200 MM Euro) since design through construction and operational readiness, as well as routine engineering and maintenance activities for the Manufacturing site located in Sesto Fiorentino, FI, with different growing roles up to Engineering ,Maintenance and Utilities Director. Since 2005 I also assumed the responsibility for HSE operations for all Italian Affiliate (including manufacturing and Demand realization all over the country) and since 2012 I led also Packaging Operations for manufacturing . I am currently HSE Director for the China Affiliate of Eli Lilly and Company, taking care of manufacturing activities in two sites located in Suzhou, Jiangsu, and designing the regional organization supporting all business of Eli Lilly in China.

THANK YOU Engineering!

I think the most important gift after studying and graduating in Florence has been the balance between entrepreneurial mindset and technical professional attitude the faculty is imprinting in all student. In the work environment I have been living for more than 18 years, the wide  technical background Engineering taught to me has granted the opportunity to understand the technical challenges all projects always raised in mechanical, electrical, civil and automation engineering, as well as in many kind of manufacturing as well as utilities operations; but mostly the professional mindset the Faculty is able to develop in all students also gave me the managerial skills required to take growing responsibilities  from a professional standpoint and to become part of an International team facing always more challenging and fascinating experiences


I do not know if the science came to me or I was born for the science, but I am sure I love to do science. I come from Reggello, a very lovely town where I learnt the art of doing before moving to the University of Florence where I did all my academic studies, eventually getting the PhD degree in 2014.
At moment I am working as a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering. The main topics of my research activity include numerical simulation of spray turbulent combustion, development of advanced combustion models for gas turbine application with focus on ignition, extinction and emissions, thermoacoustics, MILD combustion.My experience at the University of Florence was simply wonderful, a river a knowledge for my thirst of science and undoubtedly a springboard for the current steps of my career. Very good courses and a close interaction with industries make University of Florence an ideal place to study Mechanical and Energy Engineering.



Senior Engineering Section Manager

GE Oil & Gas – Corporate Technology Staff

Catherine Jacqueline Silvestri is currently working on the Engineering division of the GE Oil & Gas. In her current role she is in the Corporate Technlogy Staff on a assignment in GE Aviation to develop strategies for next generation products. Prior to that she was Productivity Leader for the Engineering division of the GE Oil & Gas, Turbomachinery Solutions business, responsible to develop programs to drive a more competitive product cost structure. She has 19 years of experience with GE Oil & Gas and a solid expertise in oil & gas products and technologies built thanks to a variety of leadership roles in Engineering and Global Supply Chain. Catherine started her career at GE as Aerodesign Engineer. After numerous roles in New Product Introduction and in Quality as Quality Master Black Belt, she led the Auxiliary Systems team, composed by more than 80 engineers globally, within GE Oil & Gas - Gas Turbine Center of Excellence. Most recently Catherine was named Global Engineering Operations Leader, responsible for establishing and executing the operational rhythm for the Engineering division globally. She got the GE Women in Technology Award 2009-2010, an award that each year honors women who succeed in a demanding technology career but also are proven leaders amongst their peers and contribute to develop other women technologists. She holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florence (Italy). Catherine is an active leader of the GE Women’s Network and Vice President of Valore D since 2013.

Why to be a Mechanical Engineer? … You learn the technical depth and also you get the breath on problem solving skills and it provides you the opportunity to access to a wide range of industry segment and job role & responsibility. 



Executive Engineering Manager - GE Oil & Gas – Gas Turbine

Andrea Casoni is currently working in the Engineering division of the GE Oil & Gas. In his current role he is the Executive Engineering Manager for Gas Turbine, leading a global team of Engineers dedicated to Gas Turbine Design and Application. Prior to the current role he led the Project Engineering Organization for Turbo Machinery Solutions responsible for the Engineering execution of requisition projects for the TMS business. Andrea has 20 years of experience with GE Oil & Gas and a wide expertise in Oil & Gas products and technologies built through a variety of roles in Engineering and Quality. Andrea started his career at GE in 1995 as Gas Turbine Mechanical design Engineer. He joined in 1997 the Edison Engineering program where he covered several engineering roles including an assignment to Aviation Engineering in Cincinnati as Gas Turbine Control design Engineer. He then covered the role of Gas Turbine Performance leader and in 2001 he was appointed Manger of the O&G Technology Laboratory responsible for the validation and testing of O&G new products. In 2005 he was appointed Design For Six Sigma Master Black Belt and from there in 2007 he moved to the Project Engineering manager role. Andrea holds several patents in Gas Turbine technologies.

Andrea holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florence (Italy). He graduated in 1995 with a final thesis on non-stationary computational and experimental analysis for two stroke engines exhaust configurations, developed in collaboration with the Cagiva Racing Team in Varese and tested on the Cagiva 500 cc motorbike.



As Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at Imperial College of London I am leading a research lab on aircraft engines, gas turbines and risk that obtained several important recognitions (such as the runner up prize in Science of Risk from Lloyd’s of London). Before moving to Imperial College, among other academic posts, I have spent several years at University of Cambridge, Whittle Laboratory, where, as Senior Fellow and College Lecturer, I have led my research group in gas turbines and heat transfer. Despite my academic excursus my journey started at GE Oil&Gas, Nuovo Pignone, as design engineer. During these years I had the possibility to collaborate with some of the biggest companies in the world of gas turbines such as General Electric, Rolls-Royce and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries developing real engines, (RR Trent1000, GE LM2500+G4 etc) and solving real problems.

I believe that my studies at Univ. of Florence had a strong impact on my career. At the Department of Industrial Engineering I had the possibility to work with some of world leading academics in the field of turbomachinery and this gave me the possibility to work before at GE Oil&Gas and after to move to an academic position. My former supervisor and all the department has an international recognition of excellence with some great academics and researchers. I am grateful to my Alma Mater (Univ. of Florence) for these possibilities and for this journey that started in the beautiful college of Santa Marta. 


Mi sono laureato nel Febbraio del 1984 in Ingegneria Meccanica, indirizzo Fabbricazione. Subito dopo la laurea, conseguita con il massimo dei voti e con lode, il mio professore (Raffaele Bedini) in collaborazione con una azienda fiorentina, la E.C.S. (Electronic Control Systems) organizzo' uno stage di alcuni mesi presso la Cornell University di Ithaca (NY), per proseguire il lavoro della mia tesi, incentrato su un software applicativo per la modellazione solida (CAD) e la sua integrazione con un sistema di produzione meccanica (APT).
Dopo tale stage, ed una breve esperienza come progettista meccanico, nel 1986 ho fondato insieme a due miei colleghi uno Studio Tecnico professionale, con l'obiettivo di fornire consulenze nel campo della programmazione di Macchine Utensili a Controllo Numerico. Da tale esperienza e' scaturita l'idea di sviluppare e commercializzare un nostro prodotto per la programmazione automatica di Macchine Utensili, e nel 1992 fondammo la AUTON Srl, societa' che nel 2005 e' arrivata ad avere piu' di 2000 licenze del CAM Auton vendute nel mondo, e ad avere 25 dipendenti. A tale anno risale anche l'acquisizione di Auton srl da parte del gruppo DP Technology, che produceva il CAM Esprit, nostro concorrente. Per piu' di dieci anni sono rimasto in DP Technology come dirigente, responsabile dello sviluppo software del modulo 5 assi di Esprit. Nel 2017 ho fondato la societa' VenturaPlus srl, una Startup Innovativa con la missione di sviluppare e commercializzare sistemi software per l'Additive Manufacturing, ovvero stampa 3D, sia di plastica che di metallo. Sono sempre rimasto in contatto con l'Universita' di Firenze, ed in particolare con il Dipartimento di Meccanica e Tecnologie Industriali, perche' ritengo che solo un ambiente accademico puo' offrire una visione panoramica delle frontiere della Ricerca a livello mondiale. Dal 2008 sono professore a contratto di Studi di Fabbricazione, il che mi permette di trasmettere a generazioni di nuovi Ingegneri la mia esperienza lavorativa.



ultimo aggiornamento: 22-Dic-2023
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